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PI Impex


PI Impex is, as in name hides, logistics company which is focusing on import and export of goods. 

I have designed the logo with the field of business of the comapny in mind. In my opinion, the arrows represent the best the idea of logistics and moving things from one place to another. Each arrow go different direction implyfying the import as well as the export. Both are arrows are tangled, because both of those fields are closely tied together. Together they create the letter X as the last letter of the name as well as the crossroad of the roads. 

pi impex box.png

Red colour has the longest wavelength on the colour spectrum, and so appears to be nearer than it actually is, as in we are always closer to you than others. It represents eagerness and strength. Blue on the other hand is the colour of the sky above us which is always here with us, everyday. It stands for stability and reliability and represents clear communication, 

envelope mockup.png
Floating Pens Mockup.png

© 2021 by Lukas Jurak

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